General physics, PHY-131, PHY-132 Frontiers of physics, PHY-103 Theoretical physics, PHY-341 Advanced mechanics, PHY-331 Problem solving, HON-250 Problem solving for business, BUS-665 Special topics course in nuclear physics
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Summer Gedanken Institute for Problem Solving
Directed by Dr. Edwin F. Meyer, the Summer Gedanken Institute for Problem Solving welcomes 12 to 17-year-olds who find a difficult problem to be an exciting challenge rather than an unpleasant duty. The Gedanken Institute presents challenging problems requiring long, careful, focused thought. Students spend the majority of their time thinking, rather than doing. They perform the necessary pre-solving process of understanding the problem, gathering information, taking inventory, discussing possible approaches and trying to gain insights to the architecture of the solution space. The focus is on consensus building, developing mental stamina, contributing as a team member, developing social capital and becoming an independent, creative problem solver. Subjects include operations research, pattern recognition, risk management, probability, geometry, topology, game strategy and logic. Contact Meyer with any questions.