Ph.D., Purdue University
M.S., Ohio University
B.A., Carleton College
Dr. Carrie Davis Todd is the coordinator of the environmental science program at 九色视频. Her research interests focus on changes in the geomorphology and hydrology of small watersheds as a result of landscape evolution and modification. Her most recent research projects with Baldwin Wallace students involve the evaluation of stream restoration projects, stream functionality assessments, and monitoring local watershed characteristics.
Additionally, she has collaborated with Baldwin Wallace students on studies of local stratigraphy and fossil identification. Davis Todd teaches introductory geology and environmental science courses, as well as upper-level courses in soils, geomorphology and hydrology. She values collecting data in the field and incorporates field trips and field-based research projects into her courses. She is also interested in geoscience education research and uses a variety of teaching methods in her courses.
Davis Todd, C.E., 2017. New insights and lessons learned from the Johnstown, Pennsylvania, flood of 1889. Forts, Floods, and Periglacial Features: Exploring the Pittsburgh Low Plateau and Upper Youghiogheny Basin: Geological Society of America Field Guide 46, Hannibal, J.T. and Fredrick, K.C., eds., pp. 47-62, doi:10.1130/2017.0046(03).
Kaktins, U., Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., and Coleman, N., 2013. Revisiting the timing and events leading to and causing the Johnstown flood of 1889. Pennsylvania History, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 335 – 363.
Kaktins, U., Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., and Coleman, N., 2013. Revisiting the timing and events leading to and causing the Johnstown flood of 1889. Pennsylvania History, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 335 – 363.
Davis Todd, C.E. and Goeke, E.R., 2012. Incorporating student-led field trips and learner-centered teaching in a capstone geology course. Journal of Geoscience Education, vol. 60, pp. 268 – 276.
Riskowski, J.L. and Davis Todd, C.E., 2009. Water you engineering? An activity to develop water quality awareness. ScienceScope, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 32 – 37.
Riskowski, J.L., Davis Todd, C.E., Wee, B., Dark, M., and Harbor, J., 2009. Exploring the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary water resources engineering module in an eighth grade science course. International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 181 – 195.
Davis Todd, C.E., Goss, A.M., Tripathy, D., and Harbor, J., 2007. Influence of landscape and climate change on water resources in Greater Indianapolis. Physical Geography, v. 28, no. 1, pp. 21-36.
Davis Todd, C.E., Harbor, J.M, and Tyner, B, 2006. Increasing magnitudes and frequencies of extreme precipitation events used for hydraulic analysis in the Midwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, v. 61, no. 4, pp. 179-185.
Select Presentations
*Barkett, S.D. and Davis Todd, C. 2018. Biostratigraphic correlation of the Meadville Shale in Summit County, Ohio. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Davis Todd, C. E, 2017. New insights and lessons learned from the Johnstown, Pennsylvania, flood of 1889. Geological Society of America, Northeastern and North-Central Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (field trip, March 18, 2017).
Davis Todd, C., and Lee, K. 2014. Investigating the impacts of coal mine refuse pile removal on water quality and macroinvertebrates in Little Paint Creek, Pennsylvania. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
*Kirsch, H., *Rosecrans, A., *Habursky, A., Ponton, L.M., and Davis Todd, C., 2013. Water quality in a headwater stream: metal loads across a gradient of urbanization. National Nonpoint Source Pollution Conference, Cleveland.
*Neff, K.E., *Scheponik, S.D., and Davis Todd, C., 2012. 120 Years of soil development in a former lakebed. Geological Society of American, Northeastern Sectional Meeting, Hartford, Conn.
Davis Todd, C. and Lee, K., 2011. The campus nature area as a focal point for interdisciplinary research and teaching. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minn.
Kaktins, U. and Davis Todd, C., 2011. Geologic aspects of the Johnstown Flood of 1889. Invited speaker for Pittsburgh Geological Society and Pittsburgh Chapter of the Association for Engineering Geoscientists joint field trip to Johnstown (April 16, 2011).
*May, S.P. and Davis Todd, C., 2011. The effects of improved air quality on a shallow groundwater system. Geological Society of America, Northeastern and North-Central Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, Penn.
*Towarnicki, B., *Atkins, H., *Boxler, B., *Fusko, C., Coleman, N., and Davis Todd, C., 2011. Hydrologic and geophysical studies at the Hughes borehole: Acid mine drainage precipitating from a flowing artesian well (poster presentation). Geological Society of America, Northeastern and North-Central Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, Penn.
Davis Todd, C., 2010. A new look at an old flood: Re-examining the 1889 Johnstown Flood using historical accounts, field measurements, and hydrologic modeling. Invited speaker for the University of Michigan – Dearborn Department of Natural Sciences Colloquium Series (October 8, 2010).