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Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Performing Arts

Viola Day

Ohhh Viola 2024, The Ohio Viola Society's Master Class Day

Guest Artist of the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music and the will present a short recital and master class.

Following the presentation, participants will have an opportunity to try instruments and bows brought on site by various shops and attend mini master classes presented by area teachers.

Schedule of Events

12 p.m. — In-person Registration 

12:30 p.m. — Recital by guest artist Ayane Kozasa

1-3 p.m. — Master Class by guest artist Ayane Kozasa

3-3:45 p.m. — Instrument exhibits and refreshments available

3:45-5:15 p.m. — Mini master classes

For questions or to play in a mini master class, please contact Lembi Veskimets at kveskime@bw.edu

Membership in the Ohio Viola Society is free and open to everyone.