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Faith & Life Lecture Series

Three presentations on the theme: "Life Worth Living"

with Matthew Croasmun and Ryan McAnnally-Linz, co-authors of "Life Worth Living"

All lectures are free and open to the public.
Life Worth LivingRegistration required.
Feel free to attend one or all three events.

Lecture Schedule

The Most Important Question of Our Lives

Wednesday, April 2, 7:30 p.m.

Beneath the roiling responsibilities, activities, demands, deadlines, hopes and frustrations, plans and possibilities, worries, reliefs, disappointments, and dreams of every day, there is a Question simmering.

As with the most truly important things, it is hard to put precise words to this question, but it goes something like this: What kind of lives would be worthy of our shared humanity?

Croasmun and McAnnally-Linz will introduce this question and show how, through intentional reflection on the suggestions it contains, we can come to a firmer understanding of what really matters and why.

How Does a Good Life Feel?

Thursday, April 3, 10 a.m.

Major streams in modern cultures assume that a good life is, first and foremost, one that feels good.

By listening to dissenting voices, both ancient and modern, we can question this assumption and find our way to deeper insight about the emotional texture of lives worth seeking and hoping for.

Interactive Session: Suffering and Flourishing

Thursday, April 3, 2 p.m.

The suffering we undergo and witness poses urgent, insistent existential questions:

  • How ought we respond to suffering?
  • How can we live through or beyond suffering?

In this participatory, dialogical session, Croasmun and McAnnally-Linz will invite you into reflection and conversation about what place, if any, suffering might have in flourishing human lives, so that when the time comes, we all might be a little better prepared to respond to the existential questions of suffering in our lives.

About Matthew Croasmun

Matthew CroasmunMatthew Croasmun is the Director of the Life Worth Living Program at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture at Yale University and a Lecturer of Divinity and Humanities at Yale University.

His biggest passion is for teaching, believing that education should help us learn, most of all, what it means to be human and how to discern the nature of a True life.


About Ryan McAnnally-Linz

Ryan McAnnally LinzRyan McAnnally-Linz (Ph.D., Yale) is a Systematic Theologian and the Associate Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.

He works at the intersection of Theology, Ethics, and Cultural Criticism and has a particular interest in the Theological Ethics of Humility. 


About the Faith & Life Lecture Series

The annual event brings national spiritual leaders to campus. It is designed to nourish spiritual life and enhance the influence of the various faith traditions at 九色视频.

For questions, please feel free to contact Denise Dougher at (440) 826-2193 or ddougher@bw.edu.