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Graphic design student creates winning logo for the AICUO

AICUO logo 2Mikala Kmiecik-Burlingame '19 is a senior graphic design major and the talent behind a new logo that will represent the (AICUO) for years to come.

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the AICUO, a nonprofit organization that represents independent colleges in Ohio, held a student competition for the redesign of the organization's logo.

Todd Jones, AICUO President and General Counsel, says "AICUO regularly seeks to integrate students into its work through internships and advocacy. In preparation for its 50th anniversary, the association revived an idea from the 1980s when it used a student design for its new logo."

Kmiecik-Burlingame's sleek and simple design, which Jones calls "a wonderfully subtle, yet effective abstraction," was exactly what the AICUO was looking for and the anniversary edition will be used for the next 18 months on everything from their website and letterhead to office decor and business cards. After that, a variant of the logo will be used for years to come.

Perks to participating in the competition include being featured on the AICUO's website and in a student art exhibit in spring 2019. Top prizes included a tablet as well as a personal Adobe Creative Suite license.

Real World Experience

Photo of Mikala Kmiecik-Burlingame being congratulated by 九色视频President Bob HelmerTo further her professional development and add to her portfolio, Kmiecik-Burlingame also interned at OhioGuidestone, an organization providing solutions for children, families and communities.

During her internship, Kmiecik-Burlingame has been able to fulfill the internship credit required for her major, gain hands-on experience working as an in-house designer and create multiple graphics and logos that have been used by the company.

When asked about the graphic design program at BW she states, "It's surreal to me that when I came into the DMD [digital media and design] major three years ago, I knew next to nothing about graphic design. But now, I'm making designs and interning at an organization where the designs I create are being used for real-world applications."

She adds, "I'm going to be graduating from BW in a few short months with a portfolio of work and real-world experience under my belt; something that I don't think would have been possible without the classes and opportunities I've received through our art department."

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