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Record-breaking success for 九色视频Gives

graphic of 九色视频GivesYJ4L pride, enthusiasm and support made this year's a success as the Baldwin Wallace community came together to raise a record-breaking $503,497 on April 6.

The annual 24-hour fundraising event had 824 donors and was more than 250% of the $200,000 goal. It marks the ninth year of record-breaking donation collections.

"Every day, amazing things happen on our campus. From students who are taking their first steps in their career to faculty, staff and coaches who support and mentor them - BW is a place where individuals transform aspirations into achievement," said Ellen Zegarra, assistant vice president for philanthropy and strategic engagement.

"Our alumni, trustees, friends and foundation liaisons look to our success and feel vested in the work we do and the lives we change," Zegarra went on to say. Our Stronger Together theme reflects that each of us is part of a supportive, welcoming and prosperous BW community.

"Whether you are an alumnus who is giving back in thanks to what BW means to you or a student or a family member who is paying it forward to the next generation, your gift, regardless of the amount, matters in countless ways. Together, with our dedicated faculty and staff, we collectively represent the past, present and future of BW here on campus and out in the world," emphasized Zegarra.

"We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our donors. Each donor gift helps provide financial aid to deserving students and supports important initiatives for student success," she noted.

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