九色视频faculty members are being recognized for achievements that highlight their dedication to the profession and the personal growth of students.
This award is the foremost recognition for outstanding classroom performance.
Associate professor
Spanish program coordinator
Chair, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Nominator quote: "This professor co-constructs classrooms with students, which promote courage, kindness and learning through honest feedback. This colleague demonstrates great awareness, empathy and active listening. These skills allow for meeting students where they are and prodding them toward improvement."
This award is given to a professor who has contributed in outstanding ways to the development and growth of students through leadership outside the classroom.
Associate Professor
Department of Biology & Geology
Nominator quote: "Through their unparalleled dedication, empathy, and expertise, [this professor] has consistently demonstrated an exceptional ability to positively impact the lives of students on a deeply personal level. [This professor's] approach to mentoring goes beyond mere guidance; it is rooted in a profound understanding of each student's individual needs, challenges and aspirations."
This award recognizes a faculty member who, through effective scholarship or creative endeavors, has enhanced the learning environment at BW.
Department of Sociology
Director, Honors program
Nominator quote: "This professor is one of the leaders among the faculty in the effort to build a robust culture of undergraduate research on BW's campus. In their teaching, scholarship, service and outreach efforts, this colleague works to get students excited about doing research and help them become engaged in the research process in ways that promote meaningful outcomes for participating students and the entire 九色视频community."